Often when asked what do you imagine that feels, works, functions, acts, demands 'otherwise' we are only left with: I only want what is the exact opposite of the current structures, its alienating and diminishing powers, and its killing and erasing dynamic. I want the opposite because I'm against the current socio-politico-economic structures. And then you face with this accusation: against is not enough, against is only hypothetical.
Live, Otherwise.
But, it might be enough sometimes to remain in the space of "against-ness." Against is not hypothetical, against is the bed rock of any change: both demanded and achieved. Or as Olufemi says: "against is habitable, against has room for all of us."
Soft Utopia.
I dream of a soft utopia where queer futurity is not simply a path on a progressive linear temporality but a flashing moment from past/present.
Soft utopia is a term I coined to name our shared capacity to dream toward a future otherwise.
In this dreaming, we hold space for both joy and grief—whether a resonant memory from the past or a fleeting spark of joy in the now. Soft utopia defies linear time, instead creating space for reimagining the 'here and now.' It is not a destination, but a collection of moments, a process unfolding.